Monday 12 October 2015

"Retro" Blood Bowl Dark Elves

I've finally got myself a dedicated painting "area" at the new apartment, screwed together from an old IKEA storage unit and pieces of a desk recovered from the rubbish bin at work after extensive renovations, and I love it. After a couple of afternoons painting I have actually completed my first models since finishing my Blood Angels for Gottacon in February! With a busy summer behind me, I am finally ready to start on some of my pieces for the upcoming "Immortal Brush" painting competition at Strategies Games Hobbies in Vancouver this November.

I was given a set of Blood Bowl Dark Elves after a friend cleaned out his shed, and they had been waiting for the right moment to grace the pitch. With an introductory league now running at my local GW I thought it was the right time to paint them up to a tabletop standard and try a faster team than my usual Orc team I played in Australia. They have been horribly under-performing so hopefully they will do better with a coat of paint!

The slot-a-base tabs had the year 1989 stamped on them, so I can only assume they are the first series of models for the team. A great photo set of original paint jobs can be found here! The latest rules do not include throwers for the Dark Elf team, so I use them as linemen and have painted their helmet features to match the linemen in the photo above. I also don't have access to runners, so I have painted the two catchers/kickers as the new "runners". My only touch down in two games was thanks to their new "Dump Off" ability which allows a Quick Pass if they are the target of a Block. Very situation dependent, but lots of fun!

The "Blitzers" are a little bland due the amount of gold armour (their purple pants are covered by extra armour at the front), though I wanted the feathered caps to match the bandage of the injured model to make in game identification easier. Oddly enough I already have a Blitzer with a "fractued skull" injury so the fourth Blitzer model is quite appropriate for my current team. I will be looking to add the second runner once I win a few more matches using the painted models. Here's hoping!

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