I recently had the pleasure of heading to the "PlayOn Tabletop" studio with my Grot Guard for the third time, and brought my current 2,000pt list for the 9th Edition "Arks of Omen" tournament rules. This list features an allied detachment of Tempestus Scions (the grots with red berets) as well as the new Rogal Dorn Battle Tank, and a newly converted Command Squad and Lord Solar model. My Basilisk makes a return to the channel, as well as the "snotkopta" Scout Sentinels now mounted on new 80mm bases. I am so pleased with these photos that Nick was able to take, he was also so keen to snap them that I hadn't even turned them all to face the camera! What cheeky grots! I hope you enjoy these close-ups, and the battle report when it is released in a few weeks.
Tuesday, 14 March 2023
Thursday, 12 August 2021
The Triumph of Saint Katherine

Wednesday, 26 August 2020
How to build "heavensteeth" Grot Guard
Presenting here a collection of reference photos, in no particular order, which may in future be developed into a full blog post. I hope this helps explain some of the steps involved in creating my custom Cadian "Grot Guard" unit, made from Blood Bowl goblins (Scarcrag Snivellers), various goblin heads as well as a lot of cadian bits and pieces. The Cadian Heavy Weapons Team sprue in particular comes with a few spare helmets but otherwise these were carefully ground out with a rotary tool. The Blood Bowl team only has two open palm hands per box, requiring the copying with green stuff. Pinning was used quite extensively to keep all the pieces together and the models will hopefully survive many many fuure games and edition changes. Good luck with your own projects!!
Tuesday, 30 April 2019
"Grot Guard" at the 2019 WetCoastGT
I hope to edit this and future posts with more details of the army and models but as I have spent over a year's worth of any available spare time just getting the army completed I'll leave you with a few of my favourite photos from the event. I don't think I will ever be attempting such a large and ambitious project any time soon! Thank you for all the words of encouragement from everyone online and at the event.
Monday, 27 August 2018
Grot Guard Leman Russ Battle Tanks
I've had a lot of fun painting these three tanks for my Grot Guard army, and with the trio completed I am now sitting at 1000 points and ready for the next stage of the project. I saved them for "last" as a reward for painting most of the infantry and characters, while at the same time gathering all the necessary bits and pieces from across the many boxes locked away in storage. One of these tanks I have owned since 2001 (and marks a third and final repaint) while a second I bought in 2009, and the final one was given to me by a former boss who was tidying up his shed! They are all the "old" design, and while I had enough cannons, ne turret and most of the original weapons went missing along the way. I managed to break up the most complete tank and use the sponson guns to make them "official" Astra Militarum vehicles in dimensions and weaponry despite their converted appearance.
Above you can see the difference in colours used, with my Orks receiving the garish Temple Guard blue, while the Grot Guard are pained using Lothern blue. I have also been "speed painting" the Grot Guard with each tank tanking approximately five hours, whereas the Battlewagon above took more than double that over a few weeks. On the tabletop the blue and difference in details doesn't seem to matter and it's been really rewarding painting an army so quickly and yet in a style I know I will enjoy for many years to come. The same can't be said for other quick paint jobs in the past.
The models were always intended to be used as Astra Militarum first, Ork looted vehicles second, so there is a lot of confusion whenever I post them online. I hope that once the army is all done the intent will become apparent! These have been painted using the classic base-coat, wash, highlight method that is so common to Games Workshop models (because it looks so good!) though I take great pains to block in the blue areas and leave the shaded sections in-between. I would say roughly half the paint time is just laying down the blue basecoat, but was made easier by breaking it into sections. One side of a tank could be blocked in in about an hour one evening, for example. The weathering itself was quite quick, just black chips with a quick edge highlight and brown rust streaks. I covered any boring bits with some blood splatter and then a dust of pigment powder.
Here you can see the extent of my bits box raiding, and while the hull was stripped of paint (mostly) the extra bits and pieces were just painted over after a light dusting of undercoat. A few rivets here and there were made from plasticard, and the battlewagon turret cut down to match the Leman Russ size to prevent any grumbling if I were to be accused of modelling for advantage. While it was tempting to go all out converting an Ork vehicle I wanted these to be useable in the future for any Astra Militarum armies based on my Grots.
Thank you for taking the time to drop by! I look forward to sharing my next few conversions soon.