Saturday, 13 June 2015

Blood Angels Upgrade Pack: Corbulo Conversion

I've spent the past couple of months gaming rather than painting, and I have really been enjoying the Shield of Baal summer campaign at my local store. The Blood Angels I painted for Gottacon at the start of the year have been dusted off (just as I finished building my new Ork army...) so I have felt quite torn for inspiration as I wasn't expecting to be painting red armour again so soon. Kudos to GW for releasing an upgrade kit just as I was raiding my bits box for marine bodies and wondering how I was going to match them against the newer Blood Angel Tacticals.

A lot of folks seem to find the upgrade kits redundant, but I love that you don't have to buy a whole new box of models just to pimp out a character. Speaking of, above you can see the start of my Corbulo model for the campaign. I don't know how to proceed with the backpack or where to integrate his famous chainsword, but the model reminds me a lot of a piece of art from the codex which I have included below. It's been nice to have a painted army to game with, and to take my time with the next few conversions. The arm alone has been pinned in three places to have the chalice in the best position, and I'm in no hurry to get him painted up so I may lower it again. I hope all of your own projects are just as fulfilling, thanks for stopping by!


  1. That looks really cool! Maybe have the sword stuck into the ground?

    1. Thanks! I think I may incorporate it into a diorama, and use the model without sword while in game? I'm sure people won't have a problem identifying him compared to a normal Sanguinary Priest.

  2. That guy is looking like a roman general! Wicked awesome.

    1. Thanks! I do love the roman look, especially against the red and gold on Blood Angels, rather than the usual Ultramarine blue!
