Monday 11 December 2017

Battlewagon/Taurox Conversion

Following on from my post covering the Orks I have been painting this year, I wanted to share some more photos of the Battlewagon I converted using a Taurox kit. This has always been on my "to do" list since the Taurox kit was released as I had never liked the look of the wagon and thought this would be a perfect combination.

Not an easy kit to combine, the sloping rear of the Taurox did not extend easily so I ended up using a great deal of filler to combine the two kits. I also found the grill needed extending once the roller was attached, and the plating on the front needed bulking up to match my image of a hulking battlewagon.

This was my first time using milliput, and I love it. The initial two part mix responds well to watering down and still sets quite hard once cured, allowing it to be filed and shaped with a knife. Green stuff tends to be too soft for making armour plating so I was very happy to find a good subsitute.

The model seemed to take an age to paint, and I stopped part way through because of the overwhelming amount of blue leading to boredom, though with a couple of late nights and lot of edge highlighting I was finally able to call it finished in time for a local painting competition (always a good goal to get something finished). No prizes this year, but a model I am very excited to bring to the tabletop and a great centerpiece for an army which prides itself for looting and modifying things! I've already started on some more grots in this colour scheme, and have had many people online and in person say how much they like the blue which is quite vibrant and "Saturday morning cartoon" style as one person mentioned. Definitely keen to paint more!


  1. I love this. It is flipping awesome. What a great job! Great execution to boot!

    1. Thanks Greg, It turned out just as I had planned in my head. It's not often you can say that about a hobby project!
